Reis eSIM voor Sri Lanka

Kies je pakket

Betaal met kaart

Beste waarde

25 gb

$ 2.19 / gb

Totaal $54.9

10 gb

$ 2.99 / gb

Totaal $29.99

5 gb

$ 3.99 / gb

Totaal $19.95

3 gb

$ 4.49 / gb

Totaal $13.47

1 gb

$ 4.99 / gb


Ontvang een 3% cashback in $WIFI-tokens in de app voor elke eSIM-pakket aankoop

Betaal met kaart

Hoe het werkt


Compatibiliteit controleren

of je apparaat eSIM ondersteunt

how it works

Bekijk compatibiliteit


eSIM-pakket kopen

Pakketten zijn actief voor 30 dagen en beschikbaar in 90+ landen

how it works
how it works

Bonus: Toegang tot 15 miljoen WiFi-hotspots, Offline kaarten

Koop reis eSIM


Uw eSIM activeren

Meld u aan bij de WiFi Map app, activeer uw eSIM en geniet van LTE

how it works




With a travel eSIM, you can easily access high-speed 3G / 4G / LTE Internet in Sri Lanka. Use your favorite apps to call your friends and family, such as WhatsApp, FaceTime or Telegram, without limitations. You can keep your usual local SIM card to receive SMS and important calls. This eSIM for Sri Lanka uses the Etisalat, Mobitel networks, the fastest in the country.    Travel eSIMs are effortless to set up: After completing your purchase, log in to the WiFi Map app, follow the instructions to install and activate your eSIM, and within minutes, you'll be connected to the internet in Sri Lanka. It couldn't be simpler!

Waarom WiFi Map eSIM


Koop en installeer je eSIM in één minuut


Geniet van snel internet 90+ landen


Bespaar je geld met een kaart van meer dan 15 miljoen WiFi-hotspots


Ontvang 3% cashback in $WIFI-tokens voor elke eSIM-aankoop

WiFi Map-functies

eSIM in Sri Lanka

Blijf wereldwijd online

Begin vanaf null/GB data

Offline kaarten in Sri Lanka

Neem je kaarten overal mee naartoe

Meer dan 15 miljoen WiFi-hotspots zijn offline beschikbaar

Verkrijg offline kaarten

Populaire stadsbestemmingen in Sri Lanka

WiFi Map - #1 Wi-Fi zoeker

Onze missie is om de wereld te verbinden met één Wi-Fi netwerk per keer. We zijn begonnen in 2014 en nu #1 internet connectiviteit tool.

WiFi Vinder

Onze WiFi Finder app maakt het makkelijk om gratis WiFi netwerken te vinden en er verbinding mee te maken, zodat je onderweg snel en betrouwbaar internet hebt op plaatsen waar je winkelt, dineert en reist.

Offline Kaarten

Download gebieden en navigeer offline. Als je naar een plek gaat waar het internet traag is, mobiele data duur is of je niet online kunt, kun je een gebied van WiFi Map opslaan op je telefoon of tablet en het gebruiken als je offline bent.


Gebruik minder gegevens met WiFi Map's Gegevensbesparing. Je kunt je telefoonrekening verlagen of webpagina's sneller laden op langzame verbindingen door de hoeveelheid gegevens die je apparaat gebruikt te verminderen.

Open de WiFi Map-app

Prachtig ontworpen voor miljoenen WiFi-hotspots, download de app om het te gebruiken en geniet van een scala aan diensten over de hele wereld


Waar je open internet kunt krijgen in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean, boasting a rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty and a plethora of attractions that attract travellers from all over the world. If you're planning a trip to this teardrop-shaped island nation, you're in for a treat.    When it comes to getting around Sri Lanka, there are many transport options available. Buses and trains are widely available and offer affordable travel for tourists on a budget. Tuktuk rides are also an excellent way to explore the towns and cities. Even better, you can stay connected during your travels, as many transport options offer internet connectivity. Another bonus is that there are Wi-Fi hotspots available in many places, which means you can access free Wi-Fi quite easily.    One of the most popular tourist attractions in Sri Lanka is Sigiriya. This ancient rock fortress rises majestically from the jungle, offering stunning views from its summit. The fortress is also home to several ancient frescoes, which are testament to the skill of the ancient artisans who created them. Another popular tourist attraction is the ancient city of Anuradhapura, where you can explore the ruins of a past civilisation and marvel at the impressive stupas and monuments that dot the landscape.    A visit to Sri Lanka wouldn't be complete without exploring its stunning beaches. The country's coastline is dotted with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, including Unawatuna beach in Galle, Mirissa beach in Matara, and Hikkaduwa beach in Hikkaduwa.    If you're looking to save money on your trip, here's a handy tip: download a Wi-Fi map app before you travel. This will enable you to find Wi-Fi hotspots around you, which is especially useful if you're on a tight budget.    In terms of places with Wi-Fi, there are many options available. Hotel lobbies are often a good bet, as are many cafes and restaurants. Many of the larger shopping centres also offer free Wi-Fi access. You can even find Wi-Fi hotspots in some of the national parks, which means you can stay connected even when you're out in the wilderness.    Sri Lanka is truly a magical destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach vacation or an adventure-packed trip, Sri Lanka has it all. With affordable and reliable transport options, access to free Wi-Fi and plenty of places to stay connected, you're sure to have an incredible time during your visit to this beautiful country.

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